
The product is made of four sets of bed products, characterized by the combination of handmade earth cloth and pure silk fabric. The sheets, pillowcases and the inner side of the movable cover are made of the handmade non-material cultural heritage of Hebei Province, Zanhuang Yuan Village, as the raw material. The outer side of the cover is made of silk fabric.

The biggest highlight is its Hamburg structure, which wraps the tire in the lower layer of the quilt, covers the quilt in the form of a sheet, and binds the corners of the quilt, which can be changed in different colors by replacing the quilt fabric.

The product has obtained the national utility model technology patent certificate.

Zanhuang Xueqin Cotton Product Development co., Ltd.

Yuancun Tubu Textile Base, Xihuan Road, Zanhuang County West, Shijiazhuang

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